Johnson 01-43240 impeller gasket Technautic 7401 and 7402 impeller

Item 1 of 23
€ 0,89 (including VAT)

Impeller gasket for the following pumps and motors.

Gasket numbers.

Johonson 01-43240 gasket
Jabsco 22405-0001 gasket

Bukh 610G0103

Vetus IMP00601T

Volvo Penta gasket 833994


Volvo Penta 2001, Volvo Penta 2002, Volvo Penta 2003, Volvo Penta MD5, Volvo Penta MD6, Volvo Penta MD7, Volvo Penta MD11 and Volvo Penta MD17


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