Sealing rings set for vent screw fuel filter housing with filter insert Bukh DV10 DV20 Volvo Penta MD1 MD2 MD3 MD5 MD11 MD17

Item 1 of 3
€ 2,98 (including VAT)

This service kit includes a gasket for the center mounting bolt and a gasket for the vent screw for the fuel filter housing.

This set is suitable for the fuel filter housings where the fuel filter is in a cup.

This set is suitable for the engines below.

Bukh DV10 and DV20

Volvo Penta MD1, Volvo Penta MD2, Volvo Penta MD3, Volvo Penta MD5, Volvo Penta MD11 and Volvo Penta MD11.


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