Antibacterial agent 1000 ml

Item 5 of 8
€ 68,48 (including VAT)

Formerly Netbiokem / Kathon
Bacteria are in all diesel fuel. These do not pose a problem as long as they cannot multiply uncontrollably. The secretions of these bacteria are the culprits. This is a slimy substance that can clog the filters. It is therefore important to ensure that the bacteria do not feel so well so that they reproduce.

Bacteria arise when:
- The fuel is hot
- There is water in the fuel
- The fuel has stood still for sufficient time in the tank (yours, or that of the pump holder)

It may be advisable to take precautions. This can be done by adding the bactericidal agent Knock Down. A small addition to your diesel prevents the formation of slime in your tank.

Preventive use: 50 ml per 1000 liters of diesel/EN590
Heavy contamination: 400 ml per 1000 liters of diesel/EN590


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