Fuel tank cleaner 1.9 liters

Item 10 of 15
€ 49,95 (including VAT)

Powerful cleanser that removes the slimy and drippy
     removes contamination in the fuel tank
     Works on a revolutionary enzyme base,
     which also cleans the fuel lines and injectors
     Outdated fuel is restored
     Suitable for use in both petrol and
     diesel tanks

     Directions for use: Add 19 ml. on every 10 l. gasoline or diesel in the fuel tank. Allow this to act for at least 24 hours before adding new fuel. Always have extra fuel filters ready. This is because the product will loosen all stubborn deposits and fuel filters can become clogged. After an average of two treatments, the tank will be completely cleaned and the fuel filters will no longer become clogged.


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