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The V-belt usually drives the alternator and / or dynstart of a marine diesel and in some cases also a water pump that cools the engine. Because the cooling and to a lesser extent the power generation is important for a marine diesel, it is important to ensure that the V-belt is in top condition. It is advisable to also check the condition of the V-belt between servicing.

To guarantee a good drive, the pulleys, V-belt / belt and belt tensioner must be in order. replace the V-belt if it:

    Too deep / too high
     Can no longer be cocked
     Makes too much noise.
     Is dried out
     The V-belt has cracks. in many cases this is not immediately visible. You can detect hairline cracks by twisting   the V-belt. Check the condition of the V-belt (s) with the correct pre-tension at every service (consult your workshop manual) and replace it if necessary.
     Glazed surface
     Wet from the oil
     Is frayed


The picture below shows the various wear marks.

Strings with damage.

A Cracks

B Wet from the oil

C Glazed surface

D Is frayed

A V-belt will last for several years unless there is something wrong with the tension of the belt or the different pulleys are not aligned.


Replace / tension the V-belt.

Most V-belts are tensioned by the dynamo / dynastart that sits on a hinged point with a tension iron (3)

By pressing point 1 with normal force (thumb) you can see if the V-belt is correctly adjusted, you can press the V-belt about 5mm.

Measure V-belt tension.

To replace the V-belt, loosen the bolt of the hinged part of the dynamo a few turns and this also applies to the two bolts of the tensioning iron. Push the alternator towards the engine block and pry off the V-belt. Place the new V-belt on it. Tension the alternator and secure it in position with the bolt connection to the alternator tensioner. Then tighten the remaining bolts and check the V-belt tension.

Measure the V-belt.

V-belt tape measure.

Most marine engines have a V-belt with a width of 10 mm and sometimes 13 mm. The width can be measured with a caliper and the spring with a tape measure (see photos)

With a caliper with you the width.


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