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Separ 00530 30 micron filter element. Suitable for all SWK2000/5 coarse filter / water separator filter systems. DIMENSIONS: 84X84X29MM
Separ SE 20530 filter element KWA20/1001.
Separ SE 20430 filter element KWA90.
Separ SE 20130 filter element KWA50. Volvo Penta 877762 877763 877764
Separ 00530/50 30 micron filter element. Suitable for all SWK2000/5/50 coarse filter/water separator filter systems. D1 (MM) : 183,000 D2 (MM) : 183,000 H1 (MM) : 55,000 H2 (MM) : 51,000
Separ stainless steel washable filter element. Suitable for all SWK2000/5 coarse filter / water separator filter systems.
Separ stainless steel filter element SWK2000/5/50. 60 micron filter.
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