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Dieser Ölmessstab passt für den Saildrive unten. Yanmar SD20 Yanmar SD25 Yanmar SD30 Yanmar SD40 Yanmar SD50 Bestellen Sie auch den O-Ring 24341-000320 für die Ölmessstabdichtung.
This inner sealing B fits the sail drive below Yanmar SD20 Yanmar SD25 Yanmar SD30 Yanmar SD40 Yanmar SD50
This manchet A fits the sail drive below. Yanmar SD20 Yanmar SD25 Yanmar SD30 Yanmar SD40 Yanmar SD50
Yanmar saildrive seal propeller shaft SD20 SD25 SD30.
Yanmar SD20 SD30 SD25 24341-000125 O-ring (drain plug)
These anode split mounting allen bolts fit the saildrive below. Yanmar SD20 Yanmar SD25 Yanmar SD30 Yanmar DS40 Yanmar SD50 Yanmar SD60
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